Five North American Gas Burner Type 4422
4422 Burners are widely used on heat treat and nonferrous melting
furnaces, kilns, ovens, air heaters, dryers, chemical process
equipment, and other applications where superior temperature
uniformity is required.
These sealed-in, nozzle-mix burners are stable over a wide
range of air/gas ratios from large amounts of excess air, to
stoichiometric (chemically correct air/gas ratio), up to 50%
excess fuel (provided additional air for combustion is supplied
to the furnace near the burners). Burners can be ignited at
rich, lean, or correct air/gas ratio, then immediately turned to
high fi re. NOx emissions are low for all air/gas ratios.
The most common ratio control system for 4422 Burners
uses a cross-connected regulator. When appropriate for the
application, fully metered fl ow systems and fuel only control
are very satisfactory. Required gas pressures are low: 1 osi at
burner for coke oven gas, less for natural gas (approximately
0.3 osi).
Excess air can improve temperature uniformity by avoiding hot
spots in front of burners, by churning furnace atmosphere to
reduce stratifi cation, and by creating positive furnace pressure
to eliminate cold air infi ltration. Excess air can give very high
effective burner turndown. Thus, a furnace used for high temperature work (such as heat treating at 1900 F) with burners
fi ring on stoichiometric air/gas ratio can also be used for low
temperature jobs (such as drawing or drying at 600 F) with
burners fi ring on lean (excess air) air/gas ratio.
There is a potential increase in fuel consumption because of
heating extra air. The benefi ts, such as better products from
improved heating, far outweigh the small increase in fuel
costs. Consult your Fives North American fi eld engineer for
an analysis of your application.
The 4422 burners can be used with chamber temperatures
up to 2000 F. If furnace temperature could rise above 1900 F
after shutdown, some air should be maintained through the
burner to prevent overheating. For higher temperature ser vice
(>2000 F), see Bulletin 4425.
Burner bodies are heat resistant cast iron with Inconel air
tubes. Mounting plate and tile assembly can be separated
from the burner body for installation convenience. Air and gas
connection orientation can be rotated in 90° intervals. When
reassembling the burner, the pilot and fl ame detector notches
in the tile and mounting must be in proper alignment with the
pilot and fl ame detector connections on the burner body (applies to 4422-2 through 4422-6 sizes). Burner is complete with
cast iron mounting plate and 9″ long 3200 F castable burner
tile which must be supported and sealed in a hard refractory
furnace wall. (See page 2 for optional construction suitable for
fi ber lined furnaces.) When the furnace wall is thicker than the
tile length, the tunnel beyond the end of the burner tile should
be fl ared at a 30° or greater included angle, starting at the OD
of the tile. Extension tiles are not recommended.
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